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SEC Accelerated Regulatory Incubation Program for Virtual Assets in Nigeria

Accelerated Regulatory Incubation for Virtual Assets: What You Need to Know

An overview of the SEC’s Accelerated Regulatory Incubation Program and its impact on Virtual Assets Service Providers in Nigeria.

Loan Financing in Nigeria

Loan Financing in Nigeria: A Comprehensive Guide

To obtain a money lender’s licence in Lagos State, you must have the following in place:

1. A registered legal entity (a limited liability company)

2. Updated Tax Clearance Certificates for the directors in the company and evidence of updated tax filings for the company

3. Registration with the Lagos State Residents Registration Agency…

The “Angel” in Angel Investment

Angels are often described as supernatural beings with wings, protecting and coming to people’s rescue when they are in danger,…


Open Banking in Nigeria (PDF Download)

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), in collaboration with industry stakeholders, developed the Operational Guidelines (“the Guidelines”) in line with…

National Blockchain Adoption Strategy

National Blockchain Adoption Strategy

This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the National Blockchain Adoption Strategy (the “Policy”), which was released by the National…